
This week I found some free old-school adventures and games (FASERIP), some gaming aids for D&D 5e (character tents, a time tracking tool), some adventures for Dungeon World. And some other tidbits.

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Old-School Gaming and D&D 5e

Spencer Salya shared a List of 450 Old School Games on G+.

The new black & white cover edition of White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game is now available ($17.99)! The PDF of the game is free.

The Orb of Undying Discord ($3.99) for Swords & Wizardry Light was released this week.

This adventure is designed for use with Swords and Wizardry Light/Continual Light. It is compatible with Swords & Wizardry and other OSR systems. This adventure is for 4-6 characters of level 2-3. Can you brave the dangers and outsmart the puzzles to obtain the Orb of Undying Discord? This is the 3rd adventure in the Undying Orbs series. These will culminate in an anthology after the upcoming release of the Orb of Undying Law.

Here is a free D&D 5E – Time Tracking Tool.

And I enjoy Max Vanderheyden’s one-page dungeons. Here is Temple of the Frozen Steppe.

Mike Hill reminded me of the Free Gaming Material by AntiPaladin Games.

Aaron Gustwiller created a free adventure for Blood of Pangea (review of BoP here): The Wondrous Tower of Arbelsun.

And don’t forget that you can get Marvel Super Heroes (FASERIP) for free, too. Thanks, Gerald Williams.

And these Character & Monster Tents are pretty awesome. There is a free version and an updated version on DM’s Guild for $1.95.

Just Three Hexes - Campaign Starters offers solid advice on how to start a campaign with minimal overload.

You can now buy B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment for $4.99 (PDF). There is a free Plain Text Edition.

Dungeon World

Keep on the Shining Isle (PWYW) is a dungeon module. It’s system agnostic and thus suitable for Dungeon World. Also available as a printed zine.

And Mark Tygart gave us conversion notes for the free adventure The Prison of the Hated Pretender.

Joe Banner released The Gülish Choir (free adventure).

Nick Nunes has some thoughts about Alternate Damage and HP Systems.

And here are Grim Portents/Dungeon Moves for The Keep on the Borderlands.

Solo Gaming

Zack MacDonald posted an Actual Play of Ironsworn RPG, the new game with a solo/co-op mode (in development, see here).

Wonderful Patrons

Welcome to Zachary Kline and David Nandrin. You are fantastic, and I much appreciate your support for my patreon.


Teylen delivers the Crowdfunding Collection #59. I’m Kickstarter-wary and don’t plan to support any of the campaigns, though.

Thank you for reading this article. I don’t have a comment section anymore. But feel free to talk to me on G+ or shoot me an email.

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