
Please note: I get commissions for purchases made through (aff) links in this post.

Adventures & Adventure Locations

Swords & Wizardry: Dungeons of Fel’Valashar (aff) and Return to Fel’Valashar (aff) are two collections of mini dungeon adventures with a small region called Fel’Valashar. PWYW. Purple Road by Christopher Mennell, Luka Rejic and K. Yani. Free.


Kaigaku has a free edition here (aff). It is an old school samurai game based on The Black Hack.

Random …


Here is a free random treasure table for Portal Rats (aff): Loot of Countless Spheres. Here is a list of tables you could use for a post-apocalyptic game (like The Rad-Hack (aff)) by C. Vick: Random Tables for Rad-Hack. And a Reputation Table by Anthony Lewis and Christopher Cortright for The Hero’s Journey (aff).

Fantasy Maps

This twitter bot generates a random map every hour: Uncharted Atlas.

What’s up With the Blog?

Family life and work. I have begun with my next RPG review but it’s going slow. Thanks for checking out my site anyway!

#grab bags