
Last updated May 20th, 2024.

(fixed some typos)

This is a list of resources for solo role-playing.

I was looking for a list of solo engines and resources some years ago. Unfortunately, I found none.
That’s why I started this list at the G+ Lone Wolf community and completed it with the help of others.

If you know of a resource that is not listed yet, you can shoot me an email.

Want to know how to get started with solo role-playing? I wrote a short blogpost that covers the essentials. There is also a beginner-friendly guide by Spencer Salyer. John Yorio has an excellent in-depth tutorial in several blog posts. I recommend this for a better understanding of solo role-playing.
Lino Pang also offers Solo RPG Tips that are worth a read.

Update: check out this video from 2024 by geek gamers on How to Solo RPG.

Update 2: With the demise of Google+, the Solo Roleplaying Reddit seems to be the most useful public place to gather online.

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Solo Engines/Games/Gamebooks

Solo RPG Media (Blogs, Podcasts, Youtube etc.)

Solo RPG Tools (Websites, Game Aids, Random Generators etc.)
