
Bonsoir, mes amis! This week has some free adventures, campaign settings, interviews, games, and more.

Bookkeeping Notes: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no extra cost to you. But please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them.

Articles to Read

Courtney Campbell writes On the Secret of Megadungeons.

I found Phil Nicholls’ table interesting for a narrative task resolution: Updated: Yes/No, but Little Wizards.

Using Classic Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Weird Fantasy Gaming Systems by Eric Fabiaschi helps you to “weird up” old school modules like Keep on the Borderlands.

Maps, Adventures, Tools

Ben Milton posted this map on G+ and I think it snazzy: Ward of Chiezbehrg [City of Guild].

Beyond the Demon’s Web is a free adventure for Swords & Wizardry Continuous Light.

And here are some nifty free NPC Role-Playing Sheets.

The Blood and Bone - Campaign Setting is currently free. I wrote a review of the complete game, and I quite liked the package. You can get the full game for a discounted price ($3 instead of $14.99).

Random Wizard Interviews is a free PDF with interviews with 18 luminaries of the RPG industry, e.g., Zeb Cook and Steve Perrin.

The One-time Journal of Findings in RPG Design (note: broken link) (PWYW Epimas Edition) “features tidbits of game design in the form of articles by Giacomo Vicenzi, Maria Rivera, Michael Siebold, Mel White, Paul Czege, Jason Tocci, and Bill White. Each of the authors presents a work in progress.”

Games And Zines

Uncanny Echo Issue 0 is PWYW.

Uncanny Echo is a serialized roleplaying game. It is based in part on the Apocalypse World engine created by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker. Games using elements of the Apocalypse World engine are often referred to as Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA)

Uncanny Echo’s aim is to have small, contained stories rooted in mysterious or eerie events that unravel with each issue. Something somewhat normal becomes something else: surreal, unearthly…uncanny.

The creator of the webcomic Kill 6 Billion Demons has released an accompanying RPG on his patreon page: Kill 6 Billion Demons RPG (Full Release). I’m not a patron, so I can’t say anything about it. AFAIK a pledge of $2 should give you access.

Eric Diaz released his Dark Fantasy Basic - Player’s Guide (PDF $4.99). It’s a modular OSR game with six classes, no races.

TL;DR DnD is a free version of the most popular RPG. It’s based on 5e.
Via Bruno Bord on G+:

A more compact version of the DnD main rules, along with a funkload of resources (pre-gens, etc.).

Martin Ralya tells us about Free Talislanta PDFs, And Where To Start.

The noteworthy Dungeon World zine Plundergrounds by Ray Otus has a new release: Plundergrounds #5 ($2).

Speaking of Dungeon World: Here is a new Dungeon World Newsletter.

And you can now download the 2017 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, consolidated edition Vols #1-8, a zine for DCC, for free.

Solo Role-playing

Geek Gamers released their third video about solo role-playing. This time it includes an Actual Play: How to create your own solo RPG adventure PART 3.
(Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here).

Blood Like Roses: Session Zero by James Carr uses my Miso RPG and the rad story game Swords Without Master.

Plus the second issue of the Slowquest Zine is out (via G+).

It’s a fully illustrated fantasy adventure with a bunch of possible endings and pathways.


Thanks to Teylen we have another Crowdfunding Collection #61.

You can win print copies of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells here: Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells Giveaway - Adventure Outlines!.

Patreon Campaign

Thank you, Klint Finley, Max Vanderheyden, and Rudy, for joining the wondrous patron tribe.

Max is the guy behind Shoalmont Games where he creates free one-page adventures and writes about his role-playing experiences. Check it out, folks!

Klint creates games at klintron.com.

Thank you for reading this article. I don’t have a comment section anymore. But feel free to talk to me on G+ or shoot me an email.
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